Tuhin Sarwar

60 Articles

তুহিন নামের অর্থ কী ?

আমাদের দেশে তুহিন নামটি ছেলেদের নাম হিসেবে যথেষ্ট জনপ্রিয়। তাই আমাদের জানা দরকার এ নামটি মুসলিমদের নামের ক্ষেত্রে ব্যবহারে কোনও সমস্যা আছে কি না বা অর্থগত ভাবে তাতে কোনও আপত্তি আছে কি না। তুহিন tuhin শব্দের ব্যাপারে বাংলা অভিধানে বলা হয়েছে, এটি মূলত: সংস্কৃত শব্দ । সংস্কৃত থেকে বাংলায় প্রবেশ করেছেন। অর্থাৎ এটি এখন তৎসম শব্দ। এই শব্দের অর্থ হলো: (বিশেষ্য পদ) বরফ; তুষার; হিম। (বিশেষণ পদ) অত্যন্ত শীতল; তুষারের ন্যায় অতিশয় শীতল বা বরফের…

By Tuhin Sarwar 2 Min Read

Factory fires, vandalism, and murder cases: Who will benefit?

Being implicated in murder cases has come as a new phenomenon as faced by Fakir Group, a leading apparel exporter The latest wave of labour unrest and attacks on industrial hubs – the torching and looting of factories of a leading conglomerate being one such incident – has caused fresh worries among industrialists about the security of their investments and the future of exports. Concerns over worker safety and the growing threats from extortionists –…

By Tuhin Sarwar 12 Min Read

Graffiti: When the spray can is mightier than the sword

Graffitis returned to our walls after a long hiatus during the July Uprising and after the fall of Sheikh Hasina, the whole nation seemingly took to the walls to express themselves After the fall of Hasina on 5 August, graffiti and wall art seemingly took over nearly all walls across the capital and beyond, almost instantaneously. The whole nation was on a mission to commemorate the martyrs. Photos: Syed Zakir Hossain And after the fall…

By Tuhin Sarwar 12 Min Read

RAB-2 recovers abandoned weapons and ammunition in Dhaka’s Mohammadpur

Members of the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB-2) recovered three abandoned shotguns, 98 rounds of cartridges, and a police belt yesterday (5 September) from the Beribadh area under Mohammadpur police station in Dhaka.   These items were part of the weapons and ammunition looted from various police stations in the capital on 5 August. The recovery was made during a special operation to retrieve illegal arms across the country. Acting on secret information, a team from…

By Tuhin Sarwar 1 Min Read

Chief Adviser Yunus to attend UNGA 79 with 7-member team from 22 to 29 Sept

Chief Adviser of the interim government Dr Muhammad Yunus is scheduled to travel to the US to attend the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly from 22 to 29 September. He will travel with a team of seven people, which includes his daughter Deena Afroz Yunus; Debapriya Bhattacharya, a member of the white paper committee on economy; Shahidul Alam, managing director of Drik; Lamiya Morshed, principal coordinator for SDGs Affairs; Mahfuj Alam, special assistant…

By Tuhin Sarwar 1 Min Read

Teenager Rescued Through the Initiative of Journalist Tuhin Sarwar

Written by Shahnaz Akter, The New York Times-/  source by medium.com Jan 12, 2024- A teenager from Gazipur has been rescued from an apartment in Chattogram, where she was sold into sexual exploitation after being lured by a false romantic pretense. This rescue operation was carried out thanks to the initiative and support of journalist Tuhin Sarwar. The teenager was employed in a garment factory in Gazipur. She was enticed by promises of romance and taken…

By Tuhin Sarwar 2 Min Read

“Cut down on the drama darling” Rebellion on the Walls of Every City in Bangladesh Through Cartoons

Rebellion through cartoons is not a new phenomenon. Even when there was severe reluctance to express opinions, some cartoonists took risks to draw rebellious cartoons. However, these instances were rare. Then came an unprecedented event. The whole country was awakened by the student movement against inequality. From the early days of this movement, cartoonists picked up their colored pencils and brushes, drawing a series of incendiary cartoons. These caricatures provided the voice for ordinary people…

By Tuhin Sarwar 11 Min Read

The Spirit of Revolution on the Walls of Chittagong: Nature’s Beauty and Stories of Victory

Tuhin Sarwar- As symbols of political and social change, the walls of Chittagong are adorned with various revolutionary images and messages. These artworks convey messages of societal transformation and movements, inspiring the younger generation. From August 6th, graffiti and wall writing have spread throughout the country. Particularly in Dhaka and Chittagong, streets are covered with various paintings, deep messages, and rebellious cartoons. Students are also restoring early murals that had been erased, documenting every demand,…

By Tuhin Sarwar 11 Min Read

চট্টগ্রামের দেয়ালে দেয়ালে বিপ্লবের চেতনা প্রকৃতির সৌন্দর্য এবং বিজয়ের গল্প

তুহিন সরোয়ার- রাজনৈতিক ও সামাজিক পরিবর্তনের প্রতীক হিসেবে, চট্টগ্রামের দেয়ালগুলোর ওপর বিভিন্ন ধরনের বিপ্লবী চিত্র এবং বার্তা দেখা যায়। এসব চিত্র সমাজের পরিবর্তন ও আন্দোলনের বার্তা পৌঁছে দেয় এবং তরুণ প্রজন্মকে অনুপ্রাণিত করে। ছয় আগস্ট থেকেই পুরো দেশজুড়ে শুরু হয়ে যায় এই গ্রাফিতি বা দেয়াললিখন। বিশেষ করে ঢাকা আর চট্টগ্রাম শহরের সড়কে সড়কে চোখে পড়ে বিভিন্ন পেইন্টিং, গভীর বার্তা, বিদ্রোহী কার্টুন ইত্যাদি। আন্দোলনের শুরুর দিকের মুছে ফেলা দেয়ালচিত্রও নতুন করে যুক্ত করছেন শিক্ষার্থীরা। লিখে রাখছেন…

By Tuhin Sarwar 10 Min Read

The Way All the Birds of Bangladesh Were Named in Bengali

Tuhin Sarwar: Seeing these names in the newspaper, sometimes there was constructive feedback, and sometimes there was criticism. An elderly man once came and sternly told me, Why are you giving birds names like 'Kala' and 'Dhola'? What are these names? Inam Al Haque’s lifelong dream was to compile a book containing the names, pictures, and information of all the birds of Bangladesh, with the names being in Bengali. In 1995, while writing regular features…

By Tuhin Sarwar 7 Min Read